Hot Off the AI Furnace 🧨🔥 - July 3

Summer Edition: Tips, Events and Updates

A newsletter for The AI Furnace Community

Welcome to The AI Furnace newsletter, a global community of 15,000+ AI founders, developers and researchers. It was started by Angela Mascarenas and Hamza Zaveri, AI founders from NYC and London who started the org to support fellow AI founders and operators building in local cities outside of Cerebral Valley (San Francisco).

Upcoming Events 📆

Summer Issue: Relaxation Tips for Founders

A note from Hamza & Angela 👋

Hey all! As we move into summer mode, we hope you've all been managing to take some time to relax! The world is excited about Wimbledon in the UK, 4th of July in the US and the Euro 2024 football season. But we know, speaking from personal experience, that relaxing as a founder is hard. Especially in the AI space! So we’ve set out a few tips that helped us!

An AI Founder was spotted at the beach (July 2024)

Our Suggestions ✍️

✨ Podcasts: A good way to switch off is to listen to non-AI focused podcasts. I’m pretty weak at this myself. I always find myself veering to AI content and learning about new developments/perspectives. But I’m pushing myself to listen to history podcasts atm which I’m really enjoying!

👙 ☀️ Staycations: Taking full on holidays isn’t always an option for early stage founders due to budget and time constraints. If a proper holiday isn’t possible, it can be helpful to take time for local getaways, e.g. going to the local outdoor pool and turning off, going for drives, hikes and local trips. Intentionally blocking out some time in the calendar for these small trips is necessary to keep you charged and fuelled up for the year. We’re still working on this one ourselves!

😎 🎤 Hang out with friends and check out Local Concerts + Movie Nights: Don’t forget to prioritize your personal relationships which can sometimes be hard when you’re deep in building a company. Don’t forget, friends and family are key supporters to help you keep going and building. Our favourite ways to reconnect with friends and family is to check out local concerts and movie nights, have board game nights and do activities. There’s tons of free activities happening in the summer so don’t forget to take advantage of it!

🛥️ Don’t follow your investors on social media: Remember to take care of yourselves, your investors are doing the same whilst vacationing in Cannes (best not to follow them on social media).

Feel free to share any others that you find helpful!

Hamza and Angela

NYC + London Tech Week Recapped 📸

The AI Furnace took over NYC Tech Week, hosting the second largest event of the week on $0 budget.

We had over 1500 people sign up to join us across 3 events over the course of the week, collaborating with iconic NYC brands including the NYC Economic Development Council, Civic Hall, Tapped AI, and a16z. For our largest event, we had over 600+ attendees for our AI Summer Soirée in NYC, becoming the second largest event for Tech Week on $0 budget.

The AI Furnace took over London Tech Week

We had a blast at our AI founders and builders afterparty for #londontechweek 🇬🇧bringing together 60+ curated startups, developers and researchers in AI.

Thanks to Attio for partnering on this event 🙌

Fully packed summer afterparty during London Tech Week

Follow our calendar for upcoming IRL events 👇